Nitric oxide is a simple molecule that helps maintain, repair and defend every cell in your body. COR-Restor is uniquely designed to deliver the nutrition your body needs to increase nitric oxide production naturally.

Nitric oxide provides an effective path of communication among your body's cells. Your body possesses tens-of-trillions of cells; all of which communicate with each other. Nitric oxide facilitates this communication and transmits information to them. This has many significant benefits, including:

  • Improving your sense of smell
  • It aids digestive processes; particularly gastric motility
  • Nitric oxide helps your immune system combat illnesses, including tumors
  • It combats sleep apnea
  • Nitric oxide also increases physical strength and endurance

Nitric Oxide's health benefits are well-documented; such that the discoverers were awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology for discerning its role as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system.

To date, more than 70,000 scientific studies have been published regarding various aspects of nitric oxide’s beneficial role in human health and wellness. Nitric Oxide has also been proven to reduce pain, inflammation, digestive problems, insomnia, health complications associated with diabetes and injury. It has been consistently linked to increased energy, improved sexual function and even weight loss.

While nitric oxide is produced in the human body, most people don’t make enough nitric oxide to maintain optimal health.

Nitric Oxide is actually a highly reactive gas that is produced naturally within the body. It has only a short life of a few seconds. But within its brief lifespan, nitric oxide plays the role of the human body’s most important “messenger.”

Nitric oxide improves blood flow, allowing more oxygen, nutrients, and vitamins to be delivered to every cell of the body. As part of its role, nitric oxide is involved in several physiological functions including circulation, nerve communication, learning, memory, digestion and fighting disease.